I was willing to write this from a long time but somehow got busy. It was always there at the back of my mind but struck suddenly. I was watching a Bollywood award function. Like most of the years, Shahrukh Khan got the award for best actor. During his thankful speech he said a line which changed the whole larger than life image of the reel life in one moment. He dedicated the award to his children and said that he will break his leg, back or even his head but will keep working hard to make his children smile by seeing his performances. The king of Bollywood was a common father at that moment who would do anything and everything to make his kids joyful. Pardon me if I get carried away a little bit but it took me to my seventh grade when one day my father came back from his office with a plaster on his left foot. After some rest he told me to relax and concentrate on my studies. As per him, nothing had happened or at least he wanted me to think the same. Rewinding a little bit more, a b’day celebration for my sister, food outside home and unfortunately my mother got foul stomach after that. She was in agony most of the night but I remember that I had my lunch ready next morning. Even after my father’s thousand times request to her to give us money to buy lunch she took it like there was no pain.

That one line from Shahrukh Khan made me wonder around in my thoughts for a long time and here I am dedicating this and my whole life to the most handsome man and the most beautiful lady in this world.