It all started in I semester only. The variety of sizes of Chemistry’s Jain & Jain was the most interesting part of our book shelves. The size of the books was proportional to our marks in exams. Like the healthiest book gave the healthiest marks, 20-30 out of 30. The weaker one helped to fetch 11-20 and we can expect the range of score from the weakest of that array. Fortunately or unfortunately I was around 10. So it’s simple, I never preferred the healthiest of the lot. The jugad technology of TOPO in Engineering Drawing was the most imaginative thing in my engineering life. I have no idea where you will find Engineering and where drawing, in our process of TOPO.
Still I am not able to figure out, how a future Electronics & Communication Engineer was supposed to learn that what the percentage of the materials in a welding rod is. Yes, the story of II semester. This curriculum drew a line between me and my best friend, mathematics. How on earth do they expect me to mug up mathematics? Thanks to C classes, some logic was alive but how it all flew by as soon as we entered English classes, GOD KNOWS!!!
Thanks to some extraordinary unity in our classes, we made a record of bunks in III semester in our college, OOPS!!!, as Kushal Sir says, Institute. Here was the starting of the mugging up of solutions. A simple but intelligent process:-
> Convince you teacher to give important questions from a specific book.
> Find out the solutions manual of that book from DC++ and MUG UP!!!
> Yes, the mantra… just mug up the solutions.
> If you get it right there, your luck, if you can’t, well again your luck.
IV semester, first encounter with the most torturous department of the institute, needn’t say the name, guess, Mitesh will find it out and so will everyone. First time in college life I had to open book after going from classes. The basic protocol of attendance is, you come in class and you get the attendance. Who give this right to our “future builders” to change the provision of attendance? Give the answer of his question, and then only, the attendance register would feel your presence for the day. The rat race of torturing students to death among two “E”xtraordinary departments was only bad for us and had no effect on them.
Came the V and VI semester, where my belief from the process of examination just vanished into the photo-copying machines of our pedagogues. We experienced the taste of History in engineering, logic don’t matter, what counts are the facts, “LAST YEAR YEH QUESTION AAYA, ANSWER RAT LO”. And we said, “EXAM PHODH DIYA YAAR”.
Did I ever mentioned, that we did labs and had projects, well… as you guessed it right, they don’t really matter now.
This is the story of the turnover of the students who used to complete their syllabus weeks before exams, now have to rely on one-night stands.
Those who were never late for schools, now leave at 9:05 for a class at 9:00.
Those who use to “bath”, get properly dressed and leave as scholars, now…well, lesser I say, better it is.
And interesting thing is, still counting…..
Yeh to final year hain yaar…:P
As I was going through the serene beauty of nature, the greenery took my thoughts into her tranquil deepness
The rays of sun passing through leave disturbing my process of cogitation, I see you and it all cease there
The artful eyes and a perfect smile makes me losing myself and I still met me...
I don’t know but something is missing. This is it, third year ends, the most difficult year of the engineering life, as per said by some experts. But why is there is something in me which doesn’t wants this to end. I see my final years, their process of bid adieu and somewhere it scares me.
I am enjoying my life at fullest. Responsibilities may be not a word to be included in my dictionary right now. The struggle to get marks, to raise pointers, these things has always been a headache, but the small segments of ‘BAKAR’ with friends never made it look too big.
The next year birthday would be the last one where my friends would make me regret my birth because they wouldn’t be there to take my GPL.
May be I am too emotional and this is too early to think these things but a feeling of not seeing my everyday from last year drowns me and scares me.
See my directorial debut with Atif.
We were supposed to sell a clock which doesn't works...
I came with a new concept, Akhilesh with fabulous art work, Atif, the still cameraman and some nice performances by Vikas, Vaibhav, Ashish and Sitanshu(our college topper;)), we are here before you, hope you like it....
It’s just the beginning, yes it is. It’s not every day when hundreds of them come out to fight for one good reason. It was an anger of a long time which came out when dictatorship crossed its limits. I salute the students of MNNIT, my friends, every one of those who stood by the truth and extracted the justice out of the so called administration. We proved that the democracy which says that “right against exploitation is a fundamental right” is not just mere words written on a piece of paper and framed in the Parliament but they actually mean something. I bow before the girls of my college who stood by themselves against all odds and proved that power to win justice doesn’t come by muscles but it’s the internal strength that matters.
In the end, a message to all my friends, it’s not that every one of them is wrong, there are few people who know what is wrong and we should support truth. We just have to increase the number of those good people in the society and the administration. Hats off to Prof. Rakesh Narain for maintaining a nice balance between students and faculty and coming out with an appropriate decision in the end.
Proud to be an MNNITian, proud to be an Indian, proud to be a youth.
when I was in VI standard, our English teacher told us dat V'Day is all about showing ur love to the persons u love most in dis world... I remember dis nd dedicate my poem, in the simplest words possiblem, to the person I love the most in dis world... my maa.... read this... and tell ur maa dat hw much u love her... it doesn't matter if its V'day or Mothers Day... its about loving her....:)
I don’t remember my first steps
Neither have I remembered the first word I said
I don’t remember how you looked at me when I smiled first
Neither have I remembered how it felt when you held me first
I don’t remember how I reacted when you called my name first time
Neither have I remembered how I felt when you kissed me first
I remember…
I remember the way you hugged me
When I won my first trophy
I remember the pain in your voice
When I had a fracture
I remember watching the hope in your eyes
When I was going to take my first Boards
I remember watching you trying to stop your tears
When I was leaving for the hostel first time
I remember the warmth of your hands
When you touched my head as I touched your feet
Thank you maa…
For making me a part of yours