Enmity, vendetta, vengeance take the place of friendship when you enter this battleship. The camaraderie ends as soon as you meet your swords with the same pal you were sharing your joy. The battle begins as you roll your fingers, move your wrists. Eyes focusing on life which comes towards you spinning through air and you look at it with the vision of determination to change its momentum and make it hell for your rival.
You fight, you survive your chances. Even the coolest condition and the devices that create them come on their knees when sweat drops from eyebrows as you put your strength in the game. The partnership comes at stake as your accomplice for murdering your opponent commits a mistake and you look towards him with the fierce eyes. Jumping from one vertex of the battlefield to other, giving life new directions and speed, sometimes chopping it and at instances smashing it to the speed of sound so that it makes your foe’s life impossible, you live, you struggle!
You can’t get complacent, it is not a place for comatose people, and one has to have alacrity. Within a blink of eyes, the game changes its course. Before a second, you were comfortable, now the competition is neck to neck, it’s deuced and at the next moment, you lose your advantage! Your vanity for lead has led to your downfall and you leave the battleground as there are other warriors who are waiting to show their skills.
And then there are the games of minnows against the masters of the game. Sometimes it’s a cakewalk for those who have established themselves as the champions of the game with their adroit approach and command on every aspect of the competition. But it’s the belief in the heart of those who can think that they can win against all adversaries and rise to the occasion. They put their soul, constantly encouraging each other and show the world that with the right skills, you require the inner strength, the self belief to put past all the speculations and deliver, to win! Because it’s not about winning battles, it’s about winning the war.
P.S.:- Happy TT... :)
Deadlock – A simple word which defines the situation when you are stuck among the most luxurious cars in the city. Those cars, which promise super pick-ups; but the truth is they pick –up and that’s it! Next moment they are again trapped in a long queue of beautiful designs of the creative car designers who I suppose never thought of the deadlock their creations are going to face.
Don’t you neglect the amazing human factor. ” To err is human” as they say. The biggest mistake or the wrong hope drivers of these cars do is that they think that if they surpass the immediate car in front of them they would reach their destination and BAM! Blunder done! Now he has hundreds of cars more to overtake and this game of leaving behind leads to JAM. In case of rain you just wish to have a James Bond super-car with an additional flying asset.
Listening to FM (not to mention that their RJ’s horrible jokes sometimes make journeys longer and you keep on changing channels for some song delight. They actually get money to talk anything), you get to know where the traffic is and where supper traffic is and the driver shouts, “haan to jaaye kaha se…beep beep beep “What’s even more anti-amusing is that when you are going in a certain direction you find a deadlock and at the same time, other side of the road has no traffic and even no cars. Once in a while a car just passes you in super-sonic speed mocking you. You just hope when you’ll come back you will be on the other side of the table but stop your sweet imaginations there because truth is bitter. As sun rises from east and sets in west, traffic goes from one side of the road to another. Coming back you are again stuck and cars pass from the other side again mocking you.
Well what I find a solution is, if you are going alone or with a single person take a bike and if you want to go by a car-NANO is the solution. Sweet and most importantly small, taking less space!
Till then, happy “lock-jaam”
This is a poem (or fun with words with some rhyming) dedicated to my friends. The title is "Bastards" because even after knowing that I can't live without them, the jerk heads are leaving in a month time. I feel no shame to admit that this poem of mine is inspired by Phoebe's song in Friends, "Monika Monika have a happy Honika..." Have a look... The more you say, the lesser it is, about this walking-talking English book, Sweet innocen A touch of his, a thought of his, can solve any problem which lingers, Keep your bizarre laugh intact, Akhilesh my friend with golden fingers… Seconds it takes, the artistic mind of yours, to make everything luminous, Never ever lose the gift of creativity, Anshul my friend, The Evil Genius… Be it football, mind-boggling puzzles or be the world of words, his glory never fades, Have a happy life ahead, Amal my friend, The Master of All Trades… He manages it all; rarely does he fall, with his cool and composed mind, Happy combing with your weird hair, Anshul my friend, mastermind one of a kind… Dassi we call, the real savior of all, mind as sharp as a dart, You prosper always, is all I wish, Vaibhav my friend with the golden heart… He holds his own, chooses his path and does it what he believe, You stay the way you are, is all I want, Ashish my friend, our group’s reeve… He does it all precise, fast or slow; leaving his friends is not on his list, My buddy, my roomy, my companion; Atif, my friend, you the man, the perfectionist…. Music is his love, Guitar his passion You live your life like a beautiful song I pray, Mayuresh, my friend, the musician… Behind the medals, the pointers; there is a passionate but emotional guy as you open the lid, If you down your energy, I promise I’ll kill you, Sitanshu, my friend our whiz kid…. He is kind, he is funny, he is dark and handsome, and fewer are there who are taller, But top of it, the purest heart in this world, Vikas, my friend makes you the most eligible bachelor…. P.S.: Dogs, bas public mein tareef ki h zyada khush mat hona, tum kisi kaam ke nhi ho...:P ce of yours is your strength, Mitesh my friend, The Rook…
and his real strength is his quality of compassion,
LDR This is something which would only interest electronics people. After reconsideration, may be it won’t attract everyone. But what if I say here LDR means LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP. My second attempt to write about “E”. For those who are still confused; it’s emotions. What else could be better but to take love as the first emotion to think about? There are numerous people around us who have tasted this dark chocolate of love. With the ceremony of bid-adieu coming soon, this attempt of mine is dedicated to those who have been in a relationship and were lucky enough to spend time with their beloved in the campus (A special mention to M P Hall and Nescie which were, are and would be blessed with the presence of the love birds) but would be taken away with the requirements of jobs. The guys with LDRs, who are satisfied only with the voice of their loved one and a meeting or two in a semester time (A special mention to Mr. Anil Ambani who I guess would be running his business of telecommunication in loss just to make things comfortable for his “loving” customers) and for those who haven’t been privileged with this feeling and think themselves privileged to be away from this but somehow having a hope to find the “someone”. Coming from M P Hall during The World Cup semifinal, one of my single friends said, “This is so sad for those in relationships. They had to spend time with a single girl instead of enjoying the Indo-Pak clash with their friends cheering for our country”. The same time, the guy in question would be thinking, “how fortunate I am that I am enjoying these moments of glory for my nation with the one I love.” The third guy who is just listening to both of them was watching the match with friends, cheering and in between sharing updates with a person sitting hundreds of kilometers away (Again thanks to Mr. Anil Ambani). All these things are about to end for many. Mc D in Allahabad won’t be lucky enough to witness the dates of the people of our college it’s been serving for about four years. Things could be same who think that the farther they are from this “keedha”, the better it is. But someday they have to bite the dust too. The one with LDRs…. May be for some of them falling in love with the voice, rather than actually seeing continues to be the motto and for some, they could be privileged to find job in the “same” city….;-) But there’s got to be something in this “E” which makes people jump around and distribute sweets when they experience it.
It s been long since I have written anything! There are numerous reasons for this holdup and if I say World Cup was one of those, then I won’t be wrong. This post is not about the world cup, I guess I and almost everyone have said a lot about it on facebook, buzz and gtalk status msgs. It’s been 'one of a kind' ride, this world Cup. Where the whole nation shared the happy emotions with Sachin and co., there the hunt of Ms. Pandey and the pranks on Pakistani Cricketer and media persons ( which btw they are themselves to blame for) are bringing mischievous smile to everyone’s face. Emotions! Why isn’t there a concept of arithmetic in it? I mean to say, if you are happy and sad at the same time, it must be like… HAPPY – SAD = No Emotions At All. But fortunately or unfortunately it’s not the case, They all mix up and swirl around your head and that big pumping machine, the one you call heart and everyone attaches a song to it, it plays with you, it aches and rejoices. For an example, you celebrate one of your friend’s successes and get depressed with another’s letdown in the same thing. But one good thing, all well when end’s well. And after all there are few priceless things in life, and for the other things, there is Vijaya Bank’s ATM card. This post is on a day before CTs ( which btw are the last for me in this college but again facebook and buzz have enough say on this), it simply means that I am reluctant to study and if you are reading this last line, you are no different than me…..:) P. S. : If you find something incomplete about this post just think that I am some where finding out me in different “E”s.
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